Workforce Opportunity Services (WOS) is excited to announce our center's grand opening in Dallas, TX on September 21. Attend a community event where you may connect with the industry's leading organizations and professionals, hold a conversation about workforce empowerment, and enjoy food and beverages at no cost to you.
The event will be a space where various industry professionals, HR specialists, and interested individuals in the community can come together in support of a far-reaching mission to empower underserved and underrepresented communities in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. Companies and organizations attending the event include WOS partners Parsons, Turner, American Airlines, and more.
Opening at 3 PM (CDT) and kicking off at 4 PM, the community event will feature ribbon cutting, an office tour, remarks from WOS chairman Dr. Langer and members of the WOS team, refreshments and, of course, networking opportunities. The center is not only meant to highlight WOS’ services, but also to be used by the community. We’d love to give you a warm welcome and extend an opportunity for all of us to connect.
We humbly extend an invitation to individuals and organizations interested in connecting and opening up a conversation about talent recruitment, training, and diversity in the workplace.
RSVP by filling out the form below or by contacting Alyse Nullmeyer, WOS Client Success Manager.