Remote Work & GIG Services

Using modern telework tools, expertise, knowledge, and an extensive resource network, WOS can manage your services remotely.

We specialize in flexible work arrangements for seasoned professionals in broad fields, including Web Development, Software Development, and IT Desktop Support

Using modern telework tools, expertise, knowledge, and an extensive resource network, Workforce Opportunity Services (WOS) can manage your services remotely with the ability to add or decrease resources as needed. Our GIG service provides resources for short term projects or for part-time coverage 24/7. We also have experience placing military spouses who can work from home.

Work from Home

Using expertise, knowledge and an extensive resource network, WOS recruitment solution options can help alleviate the potential disruption to normal business operations that unexpected incidents can cause.

What is the value-add for working with WOS Work from Home?

  • Customized type of supervision
  • Bridge the technology gap if one exists
  • Utilizing modern telework tools
  • Daily checkpoints and weekly face to face meetings (in-person/video conferencing)
  • Home visits, the ultimate way to find out what your employee is up to
  • WOS is able to act on potential issues before they become a problem

GIG Services

Our GIG Services enable clients to source short term projects, interview and select from a pool of talent, track projects, and make payments all in the same place. Our trained consultants will then continue to provide support for the project for a defined period of time, based on project needs.

What are the benefits of our GIG services?

  • Provides clients agility in scaling their workforce up and down quickly to meet business demand
  • Already vetted and screened, WOS candidates will hit the ground running as soon as their shift starts
  • Utilizing WOS gig economy workers allows businesses to have a diverse pool of flexible workers at their disposal.

For more info, contact us here.