Music: It's a Family Affair! III

Workforce Opportunity Services (WOS), a leading non-profit organization connecting individuals from underserved populations with transformative career opportunities, is hosting another free Music: It's a Family Affair! series. Each session is designed for individuals of ALL AGES and is aimed at expanding their horizon in the arts.

During the previous series Erik and Jenny were asked about their playlists and about women composers. In this series they will answer those questions! Join us as we explore the music that celebrates summer, discover what Erik and Jenny have on their playlists, and learn about trailblazing women composers!

Sessions will be presented by Erik Ochsner and Jenny Lin.

This series will cover a variety of themes to include:

  • Summer Music: Music written to celebrate the season, the solstice, and the heat and humidity
  • Jenny's And Erik's Playlist: Music that moves us, inspires us, and gives us goosebumps and tears
  • Trailblazing Women Composers: Bingen, Schumann, Mendelssohn, Mahler, Price, Beach, Crawford Seeger, Ustvolskaya, Por bnan, Higdon, Jie

Each session is free and is provided by Workforce Opportunity Services.

Series Dates and Times:

Dates Session Time Theme
August 3, 2022 5:00-6:00 pm EDT Summer Music
August 10, 2022 5:00-6:00 pm EDT Jenny's and Erik's Playlist
August 17, 2022 5:00-6:00 pm EDT Trailblazing Women Composers